Speaking of 40K: EPIC Scale…

Take a look at what the future of EPIC Scale could look like… OMG how could you resist:
There has been a lot of high-fiving from the word of GW reviving Specialist Games. As an Old-old-old-timer I remember playing most of them back in the day. But by far, my favorite love was EPIC. And in particular the early good versions of it, the 1989-1991’s Space Marine (1st and 2nd edition), and Titan Legions.
It’s best to just ignore the ill advised EPIC Armageddon a decade later which was… shall we say un-inspiring.
Back to the glory days of EPIC. I was always impressed with the amazing sense of scale that the teensy 6mm EPIC granted. You really felt like a general commanding huge battles that looked like this:
So many of the great units and giant creatures in the game now, originally came form EPIC. I’ve been drooling at what a new EPIC game that included all the new digital sculpting technology and advances of the last 20 years could achieve.
While I personally thing 6mm is too small and a rebooted EPIC would be amazing in 10mm (Dropzone Commander scale), or even 15mm (Flames of War scale) one image has me besides myself with joy.
Look at this little gem that someone shot at a recent Forge World open day.
Oh, yes, my precious – that looks like a prototype or scaling experiment using the Warlord Titan as a test.
via Lil Legend Studios (facebook)
~Just take my cash GW – just take it…