WD #96 Review – Archaon Rules & Chaos Releases

Archaon the Arch Marshall of the Apocalypse is here! Come see the new rules, and some great hobby features on this spectacular model.
Checkout the first look at the new rules, and hobby features for Archaon!
While the issue is primarily about the new fluff surrounding the return of Archaon in the Age of Sigmar, there is a GREAT paint splatter article in this one.
Come see all the new details on Games Workshops’ latest showcase model.
White Dwarf #96
The Everchosen returns! White Dwarf 96 comes on black wings, and with it Archaon, Exalted Grand Marshal of the Apocalypse atop his Daemon Steed, Dorghar! What could we do but devote this issue to the greatest of the champions of the Chaos Gods with a four-page Paint Splatter, a look at the Everchosen’s terrible history and, of course, his complete warscroll. But that’s not all: we’ve got a Warhammer 40,000 Parade Ground a host of extras in The Week in White Dwarf. Grab one now.