40K Bird’s Eye Battle Report: Inside a Tourney Players Mind

Come see our newest “Madden Style” battle report that takes you inside the mind of a 40k tournament player. Chaos Vs. Eldar!
The latest Long War battle report is here, and we’re changing things up a bit with a new THREE part series called Inside the mind of a Tournament Player.
Now you can see in nearly real time the decisions that go into a real 40k tournament game, and how sportsmanship and pre-gaming your army goes miles to making every game fun for both sides. Every game features Madden style commentary and our new eye in the sky view helps bring home all the action of each game!
New Birds Eye View
Game 1 War For Tots – Inside the Mind of a Tournament Player!, Eldar Vs Chaos
Hiding out in the palace of Imperial Truth!
The Eldar God of War vs a Daemon Engine of Chaos!