40k SHOWCASE: Radiant Child – Legendary Reaver Titan

A Reaver Titan from childhood nightmares, ready to lay waste to the Emperor’s foes!
Hello BOLS readers! This time around I have for you a commission from Adepticon 2015 – a heavily customized Reaver Titan. The client requested I go hog wild with the sculpting and conversion, so that I did! Gothic horror, general creepy things, and the mixture of angelic and otherwise “good” beings with darkness have always been fascinations of mine. Taking inspiration from sci-fi and fantasy video games and films, I set out to create something that would walk the battlefield terrorizing the enemy on one hand and praising the glory of the Emperor on the other. The idea of “unique” or “legendary” one-off Titans has always been something I wanted to explore as well. Sculpted from clay and some kitbashed parts, it weighs about twice a normal Reaver and sports massive magnets and a die cut 12″ wooden base.
For more images and information:
– Enjoy, and see you next time for more!