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BoLS Unboxing: Relic Nemesis Expansion

3 Minute Read
Dec 29 2015
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Come check out the unboxing of Nemesis – The First expansion for Warhammer 40,000: Relic!

Hey BoLS Readers, AdamHarry back with another unboxing and this time I’m pumped to bring you the first expansion for Warhammer 40,000: Relic – Nemesis! This expansion adds a few new and exciting mechanics to the game as well as some new frienemies to deal with in the form of the Nemesis characters… Although calling them characters is a little misleading. They can be played by characters in a variation of the game which is pretty cool. If you’ve played Talisman or Relic then think of them like characters than can duel other characters. It’s more complicated than that – but that’s the general idea. Anyhow, here’s the unboxing:

Another thing that this expansion does is allows you to play with up to 6 players. You’ll get two additional Hero Characters to play with along with a bunch of new scenarios (I called them “missions” in the video), new threat cards, new wargear and even ways to tempt/corrupt those pesky Imperial Agents… not that I’m opposed to the Imperium or anything…

via Fantasy Flight Games

Warhammer 40,000 Relic: Nemesis $39.95


Chaos has engulfed the far-flung Antian Sector. In its centre, the great Warp Rift pulses like a raw wound, drawing the dark attentions of powerful new foes, dreadful beings who even now circle the sector like predators stalking an injured beast of prey.

Desperate to defend the Imperium’s tenuous foothold, certain highly-ranked agents have sought salvation in proscribed technology, turning the weapons of the enemy against their creators. While the potency of these items cannot be denied, it has caused a great schism in the Imperium, for its more puritanical agents openly denounce such practices as heresy, and do everything in their power to thwart the iconoclasts.


In this time of strife, can a divided Imperium survive against so many foes––or will the sector run red with the blood of the faithful while the great works of mankind burn?


In Nemesis , an expansion for Relic , dangerous new threats to the Imperium converge on the Antian Sector, pitting agents of the Imperium against their most feared foes yet.

Along with four new scenarios, new threat cards, and new wargear to tempt even the most puritanical agents of the Imperium, theNemesis expansion also adds up to two more players to Relic for epic, six-player games.

Nemesis also introduces the Enemies of the Imperium game mode, which allows up to two players to take on the role of a Nemesis, seeking to thwart the Imperium’s agents at every turn.



The Antian Sector faces danger like never before. Will you stand as a stalwart defender of the Imperium of Man? Or will you work to bring humanity to its knees as a Nemesis? The choice is yours.


If you’d like to read more about Nemesis check out the full run down direct from Fantasy Flight Games. And if you’re not sure where to even start check out Warhammer 40,000: Relic – it’s the core game that this one needs in order to actually play. It’s a ton of fun and a great break from all your tabletop Warhammer 40,000 adventures!


++++Heretic Detected++++

Initiate Nemesis Protocol


Locate “AdamHarry”


Wait WAHT?!

Author: Adam Harrison
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