CMON: New Zombicide Companion App 3.0 Coming Q1!

The Zombicide Companion App is getting a Brain-eating Face-lift direct from CMON – check it out!
Great news for all you Zombicide fanatics who have the companion app (or were on the fence about getting it) – Cool Mini Or Not is taking over the development of the app and will bringing you regular updates starting next year! Oh and if you already had some previously purchased content – NO WORRIES – it will carry over. Here’s the word direct from CMON:
Greetings Survivors! We’ve got some great news for all of our Zombicide Companion App users on iOS and Android. Development for the app has been brought in house, and CMON is taking over where Twisted Key left off to bring you version 3.0 in Q1 of 2016.
This new version is a complete technical revamp of the app. Users’ previously purchased content will carry over and all current Zombicide content will be made available. Everyone can expect regular updates to continue after that.
CMON is dedicated to bringing you an amazing experience on the table and in the app, so stay tuned to the iOS and Google Play store for the version 3.0 update in Q1 of 2016.
Current iOS version available here.
AdvertisementCurrent Android version available here.
That’s how you do an App Update: A New technical revamp, new regular updates and RESPECTING the current owners past purchases. Kudos CMON, well done!
If you haven’t given the Super-Hit Zombicide a shot yet, you really should! It’s a ton of Post-Apocalyptic-Zombie-Surviving-FUN!
Here’s a super quick rundown of the core game:
I thought Zombies just ate brains, not used them…