GW: New Releases 12-5-2015 “First Looks”

The Everchosen’s Elite have Arrived – Come take a look!
The Ultimate Champion of Chaos, Archaon the Everchosen, has arrived with his Varanguard in tow.
via Games Workshop
Battletome: Everchosen Limited Edition
Battletome: Everchosen & Archaon
There is no denying these new Chaos Models look AMAZING! I really think the Varanguard showcase what the sculptors at GW are able to do now that they aren’t stuck on square bases and must rank up – even if I do enjoy how units of knights look ranked-up. I’m really liking these new editions to Warhammer: Age of Sigmar.
What’s your take on these new Chaos Models? Let us know in the comments below!