Kensei’s Undead Samurai Army Marches On Kickstarter!

Zenit Miniatures are looking to raise an undead samurai army on Kickstarter.
The 28mm skirmish game Kensei has always had mythological elements alongside all the samurai and ninjas, but now Zenit Miniatures wishes to create a new army of undead samurai, ashigaru, and all manner of other demons, ghosts, and monsters from Japanese mythology.
Like the rest of Kensei’s range, this undead horde will consist of 28mm metal miniatures. Also on offer are resin terrain pieces and updated rulebooks to use your new army in the game. The €128/$136 pledge gets you the complete core set with any applicable stretch goals. This core set contains 1 Daisho Samurai, 5 Jikininki, 10 Undead Katana Samurai, 10 Yari Ashigaru, 5 Onryo, 10 Doro-Ta-Ba, 5 Okuri-Inu, and 10 Undead Yumi Samurai for a total of 56 miniatures. The €218/$232 pledge also includes the expansion set of 30 additional miniatures, including undead cavalry and samurai skeletons emerging from their graves.
The campaign is already well past the initial funding goal of €15k but still has a long way to hit the highest current stretch goal of €110k. Zenit Miniatures already has two successful Kickstarters under their belt that funded the creation of over 100 new miniatures for their games. The target ship date for backer rewards is September 2016.
Does anyone here play Kensei?