The Artwork of Battletome: Everchosen

Archaon’s new Battletome is imminent and boy is it beautiful! – come take a look:
images via Games Workshop, Apple iTunes & Black Library
As usual, the artwork of Battletome Everchosen is beautiful. It’s evocative and pulls you into the Age of Sigmar universe. come take a look at some samples from this weekend’s newest AoS addition:
Battletome: Everchosen $58
This 120-page, full-colour hardback book contains:
The incredible, compelling story of Archaon’s rise and triumph, with in-depth information on the Varanguard and Gaunt Summoners;
An awesome eight-page fully-illustrated tale of Archaon’s battle with Sigmar;
Three brand-new battleplans, inspired by some of Archaon’s greatest battles, presenting new and inspiring ways to play Warhammer Age of Sigmar that any army can use;
Stunning photography of beautifully painted miniatures;
Six Warscroll Battalions, covering Archaon’s chosen and his favoured mortal warbands of Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch and Slaanesh;
Comprehensive information on uniforms, markings and colour schemes for every featured miniature, and guides to assembling lesser Chaos warbands sworn to Archaon’s service;
An A5 transfer sheet brimming with the marks of Archaon – mark any of your Chaos miniatures with the symbol of the Everchosen!
Grab the Three-Eyed King this Saturday at your local GW or FLGS!