GEEKERY: TARSPlay – Interstellar Cosplay

This cosplay TARS is programmed for 110% humor!
The two breakout stars of Interstellar were definitely Marine Corps robots TARS, CASE, and KIPP. The wise cracking TARS – voiced and operated by Bill Irwin – quickly became a fan favorite. Ochre Jelly applied his Lego building skills to creating a TARS cosplay for ECCC, and the result is fantastic.
“This is just a crude proof-of-concept cardboard mockup, to help iron out some design details. The version in the movie had an aluminum frame and a stainless steel skin, weighing in at 200lbs (and requiring hydraulics to operate). My version will have a wooden skeleton clad in a polished aluminum skin, making for a much nimbler 50lbs of cosplaying awesomeness. Plus the limbs will be able to articulate independently and there’ll be all sorts of built-in electronics.”
The final product took 3 months to build…
It took home the “One To Watch” award in the ECCC costume contest… well deserved, too.
What is the most unusual cosplay you’ve seen?