Behold the Glory of Corvus Corax!

Forge World has put out another video for the Primarch of the Raven Guard – Corvus Corax!
Corvus Corax, Primarch of the Raven Guard £70
Corvus Corax, Primarch of the Raven Guard is part of The Horus Heresy Character Series. His panoply of weapons includes an archaeotech pistol and a pair of unique lightning claws, with a holstered archaeotech pistol and a coiled whip at his belt. His unique armour and flight pack are extensively detailed. Corax is depicted landing among battlefield ruins and his detachable scenic base features an enemy Legionnaire being executed by the Raven Lord.
This is a complete, multi-part resin kit. It includes a 40mm gaming base and 60mm scenic base. It is presented in a black Horus Heresy Character Series box.
Corax Review
What can you say – it’s like an old master painting, it’s beautiful, it’s graceful, it’s full of action, it’s like seeing the mortal and the divine worlds touch. But it’s also has a serious flaw – one that Forgeworld just keeps making…
Let’s talk about all the things that are fantastic with Corax. EVERYTHING except the head. He’s got perhaps the best set of wings in the game – WOW are they impressive. The scenic base is solid and his one legged landing/launching pose is pretty spiffy.
Then (again) you get to the head. The face is really, harsh distorted and oddly proportioned. It’s like a small 28mm head just got scaled up to the Primarch’s dimensions. Then you reach the hair OH MY, the less said about that the better, but Corax has clearly been spending some time in the Fulgrim Styling Salon.
I’m unsure of what happened, but take a look at the serious steely heads and expressions on earlier Primarch models such as Horus and Ferrus Manus:
These guys look like leaders of men. You don’t want to mess with these dudes. Now look at the heads of more recent Primarchs such as Corax (above) and Kurze:
For the sky high prices Forge World is charging for Primarchs, this recent level of work on faces (the emotional heart of a figure) is just not up to snuff. If at all possible, I would suggest future Primarchs ship with alternative Helmet bits, or perhaps a later sprue of alternative head bits. Forge World has got to get on top of this issue fast.
4 out of 5 stars – a bit of hair styling, or a helmet would do the trick…
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