BREAKING: AoS Balance of Power Campaign Pics

Come see the latest pics of next week’s Age of Sigmar campaign – It looks like the Death Alliance is looking for a fight!
via George Smiley 1-24-2016
This is the big campaign book for Age of Sigmar coming next week. It will be accompanied by a large set of reboxed “Warriors of Chaos” kits on oval bases.
The Realmgate Wars: Balance of Power €60
Here’s the new campaign book – ohh I see Neferata, Chaos Warriors, and Stormcast Eternals – FIGHT!
We have a cover.
Chaos fighting… someone…
Neferata, Nagash, Chaos Warriors and a sinister looking map.
Balance of Power Roundup
(BoLS Lounge)
~Look for much more on this in the days ahead. It looks like this will close out the Age of Sigmar releases for a bat as GW shifts over to… THE WULFEN!