Goatboy’s 40K Thoughts: Lost Company of 13!

I want to talk about the latest bit of awesome that just popped up in my Facebook feed – a Wulfen/13th Company Space Wolf Release!
This next post will be right before the LVO so expect something more competitive that week.
The pictures of the new White Dwarf have been released and it shows a pretty friggen awesome bit of chaotic werewolf monster. I am pretty excited about this release as I think the overall model design is pretty rad. It has all the learned bits of plastic magic GW figured out for AOS and have finally released it onto a 40k model release. I still say they should have made more AoS stuff that can easily fit into 40k models but I’ll settle for crazy looking 40k options.
Look at those guys. There is so much energy in the models and knowing they are going to be plastic you know there will be a ton of options. The only real question I have is how the heck their rules are going to be? Are they going to be an assault centric army (most likely)? Will they end up being a neat fluffy set of rules that don’t work out so well on the table top (Harlequins)? How many dang kits are we going to get and will everyone just have heavily furred forearms?
What About the Rules?
So what’s the point of this article? Well I want to try and figure out what the rules could be for this army – as well as the rumored Chaos Daemon release that fits right into it. The thought right now is that these guys are part of the lost 13th company. For those wondering – some Space Wolves and Leman Russ ran off into the warp and have been lost for a long time. If this campaign book somehow fits this all in – then we are looking at “pre heresy” type of wolves that have been severely “warped” by their time spent in the rifts. This means the geneseed has probably fully pushed them into the wolf mode written about in those pretty bad ass Space Wolf vs Thousand Sons novels from the Pre Heresy.
13th Company “Gladius”?
For the Wolves – I suspect a Gladius styled formation based army that resembles the newer marine ones released in the Mont’ka book. I am sure there will be some other named “battle company” that has some kind of basic set up like one Wolf Lord/Wolf Guard BL/Rune Priest/Wolf Priest, 2 Grey Hunter Units, 1 Blood Claw Unit, 1 Unit of Swift Claw/Sky Claws, 1 Unit Long Fangs, and maybe some other random thing. They would end up getting a few abilities like the others – maybe they can pick it based on whatever “saga” this lord has. From there you would have different formations that are similar to the Marine book – but with wolf like additions.
New Units?
Even though this would be a cool way to add a Primarch to regular 40k – I don’t expect a true bringing back of Leman Russ – that’s left for FW. What I do think will see some new units that fit into this crazy wolf man theme. Heck I wouldn’t even be surprised if they somehow turned out to gain the keyword “Daemon” due to living the warp. This would give them an invulnerable save as well as some extra weird rules interactions that could be interesting. I suspect they could have some Daemon weapon like relics as the Wolf Lords have wrestled some things from the Daemon worlds they have raided. Heck it would be cool to see a whole new set of psychic powers that resemble some mixing of the Demonology power set with some Wolf Nonsense.
Formations ideas that might make sense. Obviously a Stormfang etc wing that would have 3 of these guys that can push out a crazy huge Helfrost blast. It probably isn’t a D shot but you never know. I am sure there will be a full “wolfed out” formation that is the Wulfen guys with some Thunder Wolves. I hope there isn’t an Iron Priest formation as we don’t really need more codex Thunder Wolf nonsense. Ok I would be lying that would be awesome to have more thunder geddon on the table top. How much do you want to bet they have a Rune Priest conclave that might bring back some kind of strong counter psychic magic? Or how about a weapon that gives you a chance to stop things more? I see a Long Fang formation that gets relentless when they come down in a pod too. They seem to love to give that to devastators in other armies so I would see it again here.
What About Chaos Daemons?
From there I would expect a similar army build set up for the Daemons. Heck I would say it will probably be called a Warp Incursion Force and maybe be based on the “God” for its set up. You would again have the weird Daemon Gladius with most likely an HQ choice of a Herald/Daemon Prince with 3 units of the basic troops, 1 Elite choice based on the god you picked, and 1 FA. From there you could add in a Greater Daemon and then look at adding the plethora of weird Formations we are missing for Codex Daemons. I am again guessing some kind of Herald Council with added benefits, a Soul Grinder Wing, Chariots Wing, and maybe some kind of greater Daemon Council with all 4 Greater Daemons. Now of course this army could just be a complete counter to the Khorne Daemonkin without any Khorne options but I think they want you to use the Daemon codex as your “rule” book.
Tzeentch – pretty please…
Maybe will finally get those other Greater Daemons? I suspect just the Tzeentch Lord of Change will show up as well as some extra “rules” for the Bloodthirster as AOS has some new ones popping up in their Grand Alliance book. I don’t know what they could do for the Slaanesh ones as a ton of boobs with crab claw arms just won’t sell that well. The Nurgle one should be easy too but I don’t know when we could see a Nurgle Daemonkin book. I know it would sell.
Of course they could completely throw us for a loop and instead of doing al the Daemons just do a Tzeentch Daemonkin book that adds in Thousand Son bits and completes the whole Wolves Vs the Sons fight we all know and love. I kinda wish they would do that but then I would have to spend another few months/years lamenting the lame state of my Chaos Space Marines. Overall I am pretty dang excited about this release as it lets me have a bunch of new “evil” looking things to build/paint and hopefully compete against with.
What kind of formations do you think will show up in this campaign book?
Are we going to see just campaign books in the future once the initial codex are “7th” updated?
Is this the future of 40k where we only have small morsels in-between the choking hazard that is the Age of Sigmar?
How many formations are going to have the word Wolf/Wulf in there?
Who is excited to see older/weirder armies start to come back and add some spice to 40k?
Should GW make a hoodie sweater where the forearms have a furry graphic on them?