GW Q1-Q2 Schedule – Piecing It All Together

There has been a LOT of rumormill activity these last 2 weeks. Let’s try to put it all together:
Ok, what we doing today is collating all the rumors that have shown up in the last couple of week and making a laundry list of everything that is said to be coming “before summer” in Q1-Q2 of this year from every source out there. There will only be a rough attempt to put these in order – and we are mainly sorting these by “sooner” and “later”.
You all can pick through these and try to figure out what you think GW’s best release schedule week to week might be.
Chaos: Grand Alliance AoS
Order: Grand Alliance AoS
Death: Grand Alliance AoS
Destruction: Grand Alliance AoS
Death Release Window (starring an undead giant) AoS
Space Wolves Release Window 40K
Space Wolves vs Chaos Daemons Campaign 40K
Horus Heresy Plastic Reboxes Release Window 40K
Betrayal at Calth Boxed Game Sequel 40K
Oruks Release Window (starring a Wyvern) AoS
Duardin Release Window (starring a construct) AoS
Deathwatch Boxed Game 40K
Any Specialist Game Release (I would be shocked if they had any ready in time, but you never know)
Now that is a lot of stuff and we have 23 weeks to fill. Obviously, there is too much stuff in the “sooner” pile and not enough in the “later” categories. It honestly feels just a little thin based on the volume of content GW is capable of cranking out when they want too. If anything, I could see them cranking out all of this (if it was 100% accurate – which it is almost certainly NOT) and about 3-4 weeks worth of additional releases. You could hide an entire army in there is you wanted to. Look at what GW did with Harlequins last year in only 3 weeks.
I’m positive it’s not exact, but this is the current state of the GW rumorsphere as of now.
~I’ll let you all argue about what’s most and least likely and how you would arrange the weekly schedule if you were GW.