GW Releases 1-30-2016 First Looks

The first official images from Games Workshop are here. Let’s see what this week’s releases will hold:
via GW, Black Library & Forge World:
The Realmgate Wars: Balance of Power
New powers arise in a massive, desperate series of quickly-escalating battles in the Mortal Realms.
The Realm of Life is falling apart. Athelwyrd has been destroyed. Alarielle and the sylvaneth flee, as Chaos begins to exert its festering grip; Realmgates are corrupted and even the Stormcast Eternals may not be enough to stop the putrefaction. In the Realm of Fire, the Skaven make their move against the Fyreslayers. In the Realm of Metal, Vandus Hammerhand leads a Stormhost in an attempt to stop the Lord of Change Kiathanus gaining indescribable power. And if these threats were not enough, the Exalted Grand Marshal of the Apocalypse himself makes his presence felt…
New World – Same Skaven tricks!
It sounds like the Mortarchs have been vying for control over Nagash – King Lear style.
The inter-realm Skaven gnawhole network. Kind of like the Eldar webway – but it smells like rat pee.
Lord Heldrath’s Chaos Deathtide
This boxed set is a fantastic, instant collection of gruesome Slaves to Darkness miniatures, which you can use to bolster an army or even as the foundation for a new one! You’ll receive a Chaos Lord on Manticore, five Chaos Knights, a Chaos Chariot, a Gorebeast Chariot, sixteen Chaos Warriors and ten Chaos Marauder Horsemen!
There are also about two dozen ex-“Warriors of Chaos” kits that get re-boxings with round bases.
War Without End
The Emperor’s vision of mankind ascendant lies in tatters. The Great Crusade is naught but a fading memory. The dream of Unity is no more. But with Horus’s rebellion spreading to every corner of the Imperium and war engulfing new worlds and systems almost daily, there are some who now ask: were the signs there to be seen all along? In these dark times, only one thing is certain – the galaxy will never know peace again, not in this lifetime or a thousand others…
Alpha Legion Headhunter Kill Team Upgrade Set
This multi-part resin upgrade kit includes; five highly wrought torsos; five unique heads; five combi-bolters; ten ornate shoulder pads, five of which feature the hydra sigil of the Alpha Legion; and five hip plates. Several components feature venom spheres and power daggers, so all five squad members can be equipped appropriately.
This set is compatible with both resin and plastic Space Marine armour.
~What are you picking up this week?