HOBBY: The Bigboss’ week of blogging #64

My tzeentch warband for Path to Glory is expanding slowly but surely!
Hi! I’m Tommy from the blog bigbossredskullz. I’m also on Facebook. Here’s what I’ve been doing the last week.
Hurvald Windblade
In Path to Glory you choose a leader for your warband and then roll on various tables to see who and how many will follow you. Here’s my results. I’m rather excited truth be told 🙂 More pics of Windblade here.
Chosen of Tzeentch
As you can see I’m pushing my skills way out of my comfort zone trying to create something that sticks out. This is the second member in the Chosen unit (first here). More pics of number two here.
That’s it for this week! Make sure you check out my blog regularly, I update several times a week!
Opinions on the development of the warband and does anyone have any good ideas for other types of mutations?