More Magmadroth Pics and Another “Teaser” Spotted!

Just HOW big is the new Magmadroth? Plus a brand new spoiler from WD 103 for next week’s releases!
via Captain Citadel 1-14-2016:
Based on these pictures Magmadroth looks to be on a “Dreadknight” sized base and has a few sub-assemblies possible for painting purposes.
Now the teaser on the other hand is a bit of a mystery. When you pair this with the main teaser that broke earlier in the week – well it’s still anyone’s guess what it will be.
It’s still unclear if this is a teaser for Chaos in Age of Sigmar or if this is Chaos for 40k – but it’s not like they won’t be on round bases!
Checkout the rest of the new pictures and warscrolls in our roundup below!
New WD issue 103 Roundup
Will the Dark Portents come true, is Chaos on the way for 40k?