New Minis & Artwork: Battletome Fyreslayers

Come feast your eyes on some upcoming new minis and amazing artwork revealed within Battletome Fyreslayer.
Images via GW, Black Library & Apple iTunes
First the artwork – top notch as usual from GW:
Dragons, dragons everywhere…
New Minis
Now look at some of these closeups for all the Fyreslayer characters:
Note the new characters on the upper right : Battlesmith, Runemaster, Runesmiter, Grimwrath Berzerker
Now you know what to look for in the following pics:
Front center: Left – Grimwrath Berzerker (bluish double handed axe), and Right- Runemaster (burning brazier)
Extreme lower left: Battlesmith (golden standard)
Battletome: Fyreslayers $49.50
The 128-page hardback Battletome: Fyreslayers contains:
– a wealth of background information and stories about the Fyreslayers and their lodges, including history, organisation and important characters;
– three Battleplans – new ways to play Warhammer Age of Sigmar, with special rules and situations;
– a collection of Warscrolls – rules and descriptions for all the Fyreslayer miniatures;
– uniform guides and markings for a selection of Fyreslayer lodges
– an incredible showcase of beautifully painted Citadel miniatures
– the full rules for Warhammer Age of Sigmar – play right away!
~What do you think so far? -Starting with Archaon this is week 5 of non-stop Age of Sigmar folks.