SHOWCASE: The Thunderbelch Tribe – Pt 5 – Wild Things

From the great white north, I bring you a massive Ogre Kingdoms army!
Hello BoLS!
For this last entry in the Thunderbelch Tribe commission series, I am going to cover the wild beasts of the army. The beasts had an extremely specific color scheme – different from the Ogres but important to make it cohesive. I am very happy with how this army turned out, but I feel my biggest achievement and hardest challenge was making the beasts cohesive, fine tuning the colors and at the same time keeping the crosshairs on exactly what the client wanted the fur and skin to look like in color.
Overall this army will be a hallmark of my gallery for a long time, and the client was surprised how close to his original mental vision it was. Time to start the next one!
For all 100 images of the army, and more information on my services:
– Enjoy, and see you next time for more!