What Are Your New Year’s Hobby Resolutions?

It’s a New Year and it’s time to share YOUR Hobby Resolutions!
Welcome back BoLS Readers – you’re (hopefully) over your New Year’s hang-over and back at work. I’m sure many of you have even made your New Year’s Resolutions list which probably include something about loosing weight, eating better and general health-maintenance steps. Good for you and good luck with that, seriously – staying healthy is very important! But this isn’t about those types of Resolutions. I want to know about the ones you made when it comes to the Hobby side of things! Here’s my top 3:
1 – Clean-up and Organize the “Man-Cave” / hobby room
2 – Finish Painting ALL my Tyranids – even the ones I don’t use. Ever.
3 – Finish My display board
These are just the top 3 – I have more. But I also wanted to clarify something: These aren’t really Resolutions. These are Goals. A real resolution would be something like: “I won’t buy any more modelsĀ until I finish painting what I own” or “I won’t start any more hobby projects until I finish the ones I have on my desk.”
Goals on the other hand should be finite things to complete. I don’t know how you, dear reader, may do it – but I prefer the milestone type goals vs the big lofty goals. For example my Goal of painting all my Tyranids – That’s really the end goal. My milestone goals are to paint up a unit every two weeks this year. If I can do that, I should finish by the end of the year no problem. I think it’s also plenty of time to complete the milestone goals without getting overwhelming. That’s another trick I’ve learned.
For me, the difference between resolutions vs goals is pretty big. My personal belief is that New Years Resolutions all eventually fade off. People will stop going to the Gym by February or they’ll start drinking sodas again by March – but if you set a realistic goal and give yourself a time frame, you can do it and feel accomplished. I’m not knocking anyone who makes New Years Resolutions. In fact, I wish you the best with those. But changing your mindset from “Resolutions” to “Goals” just might help you do whatever you’re setting out to do in 2016!
Now, I’ll get off my soap-box and I’m turning the floor over to you:
What are your Hobby Resolutions / Goals For 2016?!