40K-BSG Mashup: Viper Mk.1 White Scars Speeder!

When even a GW store is showing off a Battlestar Galactica-40K conversion you know it’s FRAKKING AWESOME!
What happens when you combine one of these
With one of these?
via Warhammer – Fairway Road (Facebook)
“All rights to this thing of beauty not owned by Games Workshop, but when a customer (Rhyan) brings a Space Marine pilot and his hand crafted uh… ‘speeder’, you CERTAINLY take pictures. He even comes out of the cockpit that opens up. Brilliant plasticard work.”
I like that the pilot comes out. White Scars – of course it had to be the White Scars…
Give it up for the cunning modeler “Rhyan” – well done! It looks like this exact model was the inspiration for this piece of Space Wolf-BSG mashup awesomeness.
~So say we all – SO SAY WE ALL!