40K: Genestealer Patriarch & Acolyte Hybrid Rules SPOTTED!

Looks likes someone used that elusive “Enhance” function on their keyboard. Check out the latest rules for the Genestealer Cult!
One digital sleuth either got new, closer pics from the upcoming White Dwarf or has some serious ‘shop skillz. You can decide for yourself – More importantly lets take a look at those rules:
via Omega-Soul, 2-23-2016
These “enhanced” pics come from the teaser below:
Now – how about those rules? The Favoured Disciples is an interesting unit – they are fairly cheap (not Termigant cheap, but less than Genestealers or Warriors). They also bring one very important thing to the table: Assault Grenades. Finally. They are only I 4 but they are still fearless. I like a good tarpit unit – just wish you could take more than 12.
And the big daddy Patriarch? He’s got access to Telepathy. And we all know what’s in telepathy…Psychic Shriek!? NO! Well, I mean, yes – technically. But the real gem is Invisibility! Does the thought of Invisible Genestealers frighten/excite you? How about an Invisible Brood of Dakka Fexes? Oh the possibilities. He’s lvl 2 and may have some other fun psychic shenanigans to pull. Guess we’ll have to wait and see…
Deathwatch vs Genestealers Round-up
Someone queue up the Predator music and SFX… Time to see who’s hunting who.