Curse of the Wulfen – All the Formations!

The book is coming, come see every formation in the Curse of the Wulfen – Both Chaos and Space Wolves!
This weekend the video for Curse of the Wulfen dropped from GW:
Which pretty much spilled the beans – but towards the end of the video there is a rapidfire display of all the formations. Of course you know what that means in our digital age…
YUP, you guessed right. One intrepid gamer with a lot of time and patience, managed to grab the high-resolution Youtube snapshots for all of those formations. Here are just a handful, follow the link below for the full set.
Sample Chaos Formations
Sample Space Wolves Formations
Full Formations YouTube Screencaps via Meddah on Dropbox
~ So what do you think, thumbs up or down for the Space Wolves and Chaos Daemons?