Deathwatch Overkill Week: DAY 2: The Deathwatch Minis

Deathwatch: Overkill is here! Today we look at assembly and sprues of each member of the mighty Deathwatch Killteam.
Welcome to Deathwatch: Overkill Week here on BoLS! Over the next few days we will be going over every aspect of the new game, from the rules to to the minis, to the game itself and everything in between. Check back in every day for everything you wanted to know about the biggest product GW has produced this year.
Deathwatch Overkill: Day 1 Unboxing the Game
Today we wade into the deathwatch minis themselves and their assembly. Let’s get started!
Special note: These are all high resolution images, click to see all the details.
Deathwatch Assembly
First off, we shall take a look at the Deathwatch assembly instructions. These minis are dripping in detail and each one would make a fantastic HQ in a marine army. The fit and finish of the models is superb and they fit together like glove with the assembly seams well hidden once glued. Top notch work from GW as usual.
Chaplain Cassius and the Blood angel’s Antor Delassio are up first.
Next up is Blood Ravens, Dark Angels Imperial Fists, and Iron Hands
Raven Guard, Salamanders (in termy armor!), Space Wolves and Ultramarines up next.
Last but certainly not least is the White Scar’s Suberai (and his cyber eagle)
The Sprues
The first of the three Dwathwatch sprues contains Suberai, Sorrlokk, and Grytt. I hope to see Grytt’s belt fed grenade launcher making it’s way into future Astartes arsenals. It looks awesome!
Sprue 2 contains Cassius, the hulking Branatar, the Blood Raven’s Natorian and the Unforgiven Gydrael.
Sprue 3 rounds it out with the two jump pack users from the Blood Angels and Raven Guard, Ultramarine sharpshooter Donatus and the hot-headed Redblade of the Space Wolves.
And let’s wrap up this tour up with a quick look at the ‘Eavy Metal team’s paintjobs of these fine heroes.
Here is a quick rundown of the 11 members:
Deathwatch Members
Chaplain Ortan Cassius – Ultramarines
Bolt Pistol (Kraken & Hellfire rounds), Crozius Arcanum
Ennox Sorrlock – Iron Hands
Combi-melta (Kraken & Hellfire rounds)
Zameon Gydrael – Dark Angels
Plasma Pistol, Blade of Caliban
Rodricus Grytt – Imperial Fists
Frag Cannon (solid & frag rounds)
Drenn Redblade – Space Wolves
Boltgun (Kraken & Hellfire rounds), Chainsword, Combat knife
Edryc Setorax – Raven Guard
Lightning Claws, Auto-launchers, Jump Pack
Librarian Jensus Natorian – Blood Ravens
Bolt Pistol (Kraken & Hellfire rounds), Force Sword
Garran Branatar – Salamanders
Terminator Armor, Heavy Flamer (Promethium & Hellflame fuels), Powerfist with Meltagun
Antor Delassio – Blood Angels
Hand Flamer, Chainsword, Jump Pack
Vael Donatus – Ultramarines
Boltgun (Kraken & Hellfire rounds)
Jetek Suberei – White Scars
Twin-linked Boltgun (Kraken & Hellfire rounds), Power Sabre
~Check back in all week. Next time, the Genestealer Cult!