FW: New Battle Automata Robots SPOTTED!

It’s getting all Mechanized at Forge World – It’s Battle Automata City: Rise of the Machines! Check out the New ROBOTS coming to EXTERMINATE!
First up, we have the new Iron Circle Battle Automata:
via Battlebunnies 2-6-2016
And we also have new Mechanicum Domitar Battle Automata
via Imperial Truth, Facebook 2-6-2016
Well I was hoping for more cool Robots and it looks like Forge World has DELIVERED! It’s hard to tell the exact scale but both those Automata look larger than a standard Dread – closer to Contemptor or Leviathan size. I guess we’ll have to hope for some more pics to better gauge the size!
Come see ALL the Pics from the Weekender and lets us know what you think:
Horus Heresy Weekender Round-up