Goatboy’s 40k: Death to Superfriends & Long Live Dognado!

The Super Friends may be too “taxed” out to be good any longer, but meet the new “star” out there that will terrorize the 40K tabletop!
Welcome back to another week of Goatboy chatter.
Instead of giving a single list I want to go into the different ways you can create this – BarkStar as some people are calling it. I think it is more like Beast Star 2.0 and instead of utilizing the annoyance of fortune it just covers the board in turd dropping little doggies. Of course you can make it like the old Beast Star with the ever present ban of competitive 40k – Allies and Battle Brothers. Will talk about that in one of the list thoughts down below.
What is BarkStar?
But first – what is the basics behind BarkStar? It all revolves around the introduction of the newest Greentide like formation that the Space Wolves got in the Wolfkin formation.
Wolfkin Formation – From Curse of the Wulfen
Make up – 2-5 Units of Fenris Wolves
Extra Rules: These 2-5 units can combine into one big ole unit and gain some extra rules – like if they number over 20 models they all get +1 attack. The unit gets Outflank and they even get Monster Hunter.
Why is it good? Having a unit that can move 12 inches, has a decent amount of close combat attacks, numbers 50+, takes up a ton of game space real estate, and happens to be Battle Brothers with the most abusable other faction armies means this is ripe for abuse. Really again the annoyance of Battle Brothers really brings out the nasty in list building. But we’ll bring up a non-battle brothers Wolves list too so you can decide if this is really a bad thing. The biggest part of this unit that I think brings it up to a nutty level is you have 50+ models on terminator sized bases! I want you to think about how much room that takes up and how you can easily wrap up a ton of objectives and keep your opponent off of them. Heck I can imagine a lot of closed topped Rhinos happening when this list is running around the table top.
Let’s go with a maxed sized formation to see the point total and just go all the way with every option. Personally – I think 50 or so dogs will do the job well enough as it should leave you enough room for the true stars of whatever army you want to do.
Wolfkin Formation
5 Units of 15 Dogs plus upgraded Cyber Wolf aka Challenge taker – 650pts. That’s 75 bodies on the table and a ton of extra wounds to hide whatever Battle Brother character you want.
Some BarkStar Lists
First list – that basically just tries to hide a ton of Powerfists to make it like a pseudo Greentide aka the Furrtide. We’ll go with 2 versions – one with casting and the other with just pure aggression.
The Furrtide!
Wolfkin Formation
Maxed – 5 Units of 15 dogs plus 5 Cyber Wolves
Wolves Unleashed Detachment
WGBL, Thunder Wolf, SS, PF
WGBL, Thunder Wolf, SS, PF
WGBL, Thunder Wolf, SS, PF
WGBL, Thunder Wolf, SS, PF
Wolf Priest, Jump Pack
Grey Hunters X 5, Rhino, Wolf Standard
Blood Claws X 5
Librarian Conclave – Ravenguard
Librarian, Lvl 2, Force Axe, JP
Librarian, Lvl 2, Force Axe, JP
Librarian, Lvl 2, Force Axe, JP
1850 on the nose. The reason for all the Jump Packs on the other non Thunder Wolf characters is that for normal guys, if you don’t use them in the movement phase you can reroll your charge distance in the assault phase. This lets you still have “fleet” to get charges off in case of a bad charge roll. The Raven Guard librarians can use it in both phases as well plus they are stealthed the first turn of the game so the big ole Furrtide can have some measure of protection. This list works exactly the same as any other big fat unit of troops – they move up, get involved, and try to grind out a win. The Grey Hunters with the Wolf Standard will give another +1 attack – making this unit pretty gnarly. If you happen to roll on Sanctic for your powers you can even shoot for HammerHand as well. That plus misfortune can even take down a Knight pretty quickly. Shrouding and Invisibility are also other trick. You won’t be shooting anyone to death but you will give them a ton of dog hair in their mouth.
Here is another – combo heavy one that really pushes how annoying Battle Brothers can be.
Bark Bark Star!!
Wolfkin Formation
Maxed – 5 Units of 15 dogs plus 4 Cyber Wolves
Dark Angels CAD
Librarian, Bike, Lvl 2, Meltabomb
Chaplain, Bike, Meltabomb
Scout Squad X 5
Scout Squad X 5
Champions of Fenris Detachment
WGBL, Thunder Wolf, SS, PF, Runic Armor
WGBL, Thunder Wolf, SS, PF, Runic Armor
WGBL, Thunder Wolf, SS, PF, Runic Armor
WGBL, Thunder Wolf, SS, PF
Servitor X 1
Servitor X 1
Do you want a way to have all your dogs get a 4+ Invulnerable save, have 3 Fearless Options in units, and get +3 to the assault range? Well you sprinkle in some Fluff tearing Battle Brothers from the Dark Angels you and got yourself a big fat star of nonsense. Heck your Librarian could roll on Sanctic and get Hammerhand or Sanctuary. You could drop a WBGL for another Rune Priest or heck maybe even dip into the Wolves Unleashed and take some Grey Hunters/Blood Claws in Rhinos. This is the design that can easily be tweaked and changed based on what other stuff you can fit in from Detachments that most likely shouldn’t go together with other detachments.
Personally I really like the use of this as a buffer unit. We all know how good bubble wrapping can be – and I really think this formation could do wonders for some of the other armies as a big, fast bubble wrap. We’ll start with looking at the new “Space Wolf Decurion/Host/etc thing”. This will let us grab the Wolfkin Formation and will let us count as “one” choice in the current ITC Format. The idea here is to utilize the nature of a big fat blocking unit mixed with a ton of dakka coming at you. You can push forward, force your opponent into bad situations and keep your “good” stuff alive from counter assaults and close range fire power.
Space Wolf Wolf Claw Strike Force NONSENSE FIGHT!
Legendary Great Pack – Iron Wolves
WGBL, Thunder Wolf, PF, SS
Blood Claws X 5, Razorback, TWL Assault Cannon, HK Missile, Storm Bolter, Dozer Blade
Blood Claws X 5, Razorback, TWL Assault Cannon, HK Missile, Storm Bolter, Dozer Blade
Blood Claws X 5, Razorback, TWL Assault Cannon, HK Missile, Storm Bolter, Dozer Blade
Grey Hunters X 5, Wolf Standard, Razorback, Lascannon/TWL Plasma Gun, HK Missile, Storm Bolter, Dozer Blade
Land Speeders X 2, TWL Assault Cannon X 2, Typhoon ML X 2
Land Speeders X 2, TWL Assault Cannon X 2, Typhoon ML X 2
Land Speeders X 2, TWL Assault Cannon X 2, Typhoon ML X 2
Long Fangs X 2, Razorback, Las Cannon/TWL Plasma Gun, HK Missile, Storm Bolter, Dozer Blade
Long Fangs X 2, Razorback, Las Cannon/TWL Plasma Gun, HK Missile, Storm Bolter, Dozer Blade
Wolfkin Formation
Fenris Wolves X 10, Cyber Wolf Upgrade X 4 – 5 Units
Lord of the Fang
Assassin Detachment
Culexus Assassin
The big bubble of Dogs are there to keep things from getting to close to your goodies – which is a crap ton of vehicles. The Iron Wolves seem like the strongest of the Great pack options as there isn’t much “taxation” when you compare to what you are getting and trying to do with the army. This is all about just shooting you as much as you can, driving around the table, and hopefully not needing Objective secured to control an objective. I went with Ulrik as he can push out a bubble of Preferred enemy, join the dogs to make them Fearless, and just be a pain in the butt if needed. The Assassin is there as he is pretty cheap, can kick out a unit of Long Fangs from their Ride and just try to be a pain in the butt.
Overall – this type of huge, fast, and aggressive unit is something I feel will see in the upcoming season of events. I remember how the Greentide could just be a pain to deal with and I suspect a faster version with more attacks and better attached characters might do a heck of a lot more for the environment. I don’t know if the full investment option would be best or just a board control option. I plan on testing this a bit as time goes on and while I am so used to Deathstars I feel that you can win more games if you just go into it thinking you will control the entire board space.
What kind of army lists are you thinking about with the new Curse of the Wulfen? Has the new campaign book breathed some life into your Space Puppies or Counts as Puppies armies?