GW Rumors: Dark Future Being Worked On

You heard that right folks. If you love cars, gas, guns and Mad Max, get in here!
via a source who spoke to BoLS on condition of anonymity:
We have been hearing for months now about the rejuvenation of GW creative efforts with the rebirth of Specialist Games.
So far we heard word of the following being worked on or considered:
- Battlefleet Gothic
- Necromunda
- Mordheim
And today we can add – Dark Future.
For those who don’t remember 1988’s Dark Future was GW’s motorhead Max-Max inspired tabletop minis game. A lot more fun and less math intensive than Car Wars, Dark Future had a lot of cars, motorcyclists and gang members on foot blasting each other off the never-ending roads of the grim dusty post-apocalyptic future. Here is the basic rundown of the game from Wikipedia:
“Dark Future is a 1988 alternate history and post-apocalyptic science-fantasy miniature wargame by Games Workshop. It is set in the then-future year of 1995 (later updating the setting to 2021), in a post-apocalyptic fantasy-inspired alternate reality where the United States of America—as well as the rest of the world—has fallen apart. Society has collapsed (almost back to the times of both the Dark Ages and the Wild West—where there’s no law and no order), and the natural laws of physics have broken down. Megacorps are now in total control, technology runs rampant, and Sanctioned Ops patrol the roads and highways tracking down and destroying the renegade scum who live there, outside of the law and doing what they please.”
Word has reached us of some very intriguing developments in Specialist Games.
There is talk of Dark Future making a comeback (I’m sure the massive success of Fury Road had nothing to do with it). Early work is already being done, so it’s only a matter time till GW will have some cars and vehicles for you to paint up and blast off the tabletop.
It is said to be returning in 28mm Scale!
The biggest hint however is the setting. Dark Future always had a certain blandness to it’s background (I mean – COME ON, it was set in a fictional 1995), and was one of the last standalone games that was not tied into the big GW universes. We have heard that when Dark Future makes it’s return in one form or another, this previous oversight will be corrected.
I’ll leave you all to figure out exactly where you would best insert this type of game into GW’s universes…
Here are some images to take you back to 1988 and set the mood!
Hmmm, now if you could modify that front dude’s head tattoo just a tad…