HOBBY: The Bigboss’ Week of Blogging #67

The Chosen are finished (built not painted) for my Path to Glory warband and I’ve started on a massive custom built Doombull. That and more this week.
Hi! I’m Tommy from the blog bigbossredskullz. I’m also on Facebook. Here’s what I’ve been doing the last week.
The final member of the Chosen (centre model) has rearranged the command structure as he’s taken over the role of champion among champions. He’s got proper armor and all you see! The full lowdown with more pics, names and information on the Chosen here.
Getting a Doombull as one of my random choices for my warband (you roll dice to see which units you get) I finally knew what to do with the Stonehorn I had lying around. Mind this one will demand a mountain of greenstuff to complete but I think it’ll be worth it. More on Hrungne here.
Path to Glory is starting to kick off in my local gaming club. Here’s Oyvind’s WiP Tzeentch warband. Obviously tzeentch is not pleased with me as he’s added internal fraction competition 😉
That’s it for this week! Make sure you check out my blog regularly, I update several times a week!
Next week it’ll be an update on the Doombull, more features and hopefully some more on my warband so I can get it playable at least.