Horus Heresy: Updated Astartes Legion Rules REVEALED

The Latest Horus Heresy “Red” Book is teaching the old Legions some new tricks – Come see the latest rules updates for the Heresy-Era Legions!
It looks like a ton of tweaks and changes for most of the Legions that already have rules – and most of these seem really good! It looks like Forge World is doing an outstanding job of keeping up with all the Horus Heresy fever that’s been going on. So check these out:
Via Garro 30k Horus Heresy Board 2-6-2016
Emperor’s Children
- All models with the LA rule gain +1 initiative on the charge
- sonic shriekers are now -1WS to enemy models in base contact which aren’t immune to fear. Effects the full length of the combat (not just first round), not just if you charge.
- phoenix terminators are WS5
- the cacophony weapons are heavy2, previously heavy1
Iron Warriors
- iron circle added, elites choice, single unit can be taken as a command squad to perturabo. said unit gains a minor buff of their choice from a list.
- tyrant seige terminator squads now heavy support choices
Imperial Fists
- phalanx warder squads ‘shield wall’ rule fixed, now confers +1WS instead of +1I.
- dorn’s chainsaw has ‘unwieldy’ replaced with ‘reaping blow’ (see DG section)
Night Lords
- ‘from the shadows’ confers 5+ cover save, use to be 6+
- ‘talent for murder’ confers +1 to hit and wound, use to be just to wound
- terror squads gain ‘precision strike’
- sevatar has his additional psyker rules from the FAQ added to his profile, also gains precision strike
Iron Hands
- no changes
World eaters
- ‘blood lust’ is now on a 4+ rather than a roll of a 1.
- previous version of ‘incarnate violence’ replaced with may re-roll 1’s to wound on the turn they charge
- no changes
Death Guard
- may re-roll dangerous terrain tests, regardless of what the terrain is
- instead of forcing successful rolls to wound with poison and fleshbane, DG get FNP(4+) instead
- power scythes lose unwieldy and the ability to replace attack value with number of enemy models in base contact with the following
‘reaping blow’: -1 initiative, if in base contact with more than one model at their initiative step, they gain +1 attack- grave warden toxin rule replaced with ‘poison(3+)’ on death cloud and grenade launcher
- deathshroud can be taken as a HQ or elites choice, plus as a command squad for a terminator praetor or mortarion.
- mortarion’s scythe is no longer unwieldy, replaced with ‘reaping blow’.
- mortarion’s witch spite only affects malediction powers affecting him or his squad
Sons of Horus
- gain ‘death dealer’ to their legiones astartes rule, +1BS if shooting at an enemy within 12″ with a pistol, rapid fire or assault weapon, doesn’t effect snap fire, overwatch or fury of the legion shots.
- justearins terminators start off at 255pts for 5 men, may still take upto 7 additional men. they now have 2 wounds
- abaddon has precision strike
Word bearers
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- rules unchanged from tempest
- no changes
Raven Guard
- Mor deythan are 10pts more expensive at base cost (additional men are still same price)
- all dark furies have raven talons by default, no price increase
- dark fury sergeant gains ‘precision strike’
- Kaedes nex gains precision shots
Alpha Legion (or are they?)
- saboteur’s sabotage attack now AP3 against things with a toughness value, and AP2 against vehicles
- headhunters come with combi-bolters as standard, may upgrade them to combi-weapons for the same cost as terminators can.
- headhunters replace ‘preferred enemy’ with ‘precision shots’
Well there you have it Horus Heresy Fans! Lots of changes for the current legions. Most of these changes make sense and feel inline with what the original intent but have better implementations. I really like the changes from unwieldy to reaping blow for example. I can’t wait to get my hands on this new book!
What do you think Heresy Fans? What are you favorite changes?