FW: Mastodon Rules SPOTTED!

The Mastodon is the HUGE Super Heavy Tank for the Space Marine Legions – Wait till you check out the Rules on this BEAST!
via Loaded Dice Podcast 2-6-2016
The Mastodon was revealed back in July of last year. A more complete kit was seen at the GW 40th Birthday bash. This thing in a crawling fortress! If you want to crack this puppy you’re going to need a whole LOT of fire power. 2 void shields and 10 HPs are nothing to sneeze at – not to mention it’s return fire… It might not be packing a D-Weapon, but it CAN carry up to 40 Models. Oh and 2 Dreadnoughts… Want to drop 20 marines and two contemptor dreads to support the fortress on treads? Well now you can.
For More PICS check our Weekender Round-Up:
Horus Heresy Weekender Round-up