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The Bell Tolls for Wayne England

3 Minute Read
Feb 9 2016
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One the great defining artists of the tabletop industry – Wayne England has passed away.

It is currently being reported on Facebook, Wikipedia and Reddit that artist Wayne England has passed away.  Mr. England worked on a variety of iconic franchises over the decades from Magic the Gathering, to Dungeons & Dragons, to all things Games Workshop.  His unique style and artistic vision has graces countless cards, module, rulebook and adventure covers, and endless magazine covers.

Wayne England is survived by his wife Victoria and children Harry and Millie.

I have vivid memories of seeing his defining work in the very early days of the Grimdark in places such as 1989’s White Dwarf 110.


His work has a surreal physical yet abstract quality, almost like a gloss coated stone relief. His linework so tidy and crisp. His colors were lush and vivid and pulled you into his world.  His were works that drew the eye inexorably to themselves. His fine textural details almost demanded that you reach forward to attempt to feel the surfaces of his worlds.

An yet while many Games Workshop fans knew him primarily as a creator of the Warhammer aesthetic, his talents and subject matter was as broad as his imagination covering all manner of genres.

 Here are some small samples of his ample talent. (via Facebook)



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~ Mr England, you will be missed and may you reach everlasting the beautiful vivid horizons you shared with the world.




Author: Larry Vela
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