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Warmachine Mercs: Using Savio Montero Acosta

3 Minute Read
Feb 10 2016
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There is a new MAT 9 solo in town and he is taking names! Let’s talk Cygnar’s Acosta.

Acosta has hit the fields running and is hard to argue why you wouldn’t want to include this guy in your mercenary or Cygnar list. He hits hard and fast, and is making Vilmon blush at how well he handles his duel blades.  A weaponmaster who is immune to electricity and of course is fearless.

Acosta has a monster stat line with really high mat and speed.




Acosta has a whole list of special abilities to get him to the enemy quicker!





Swift Vengeance

Dodge and Riposte have a rather silly interaction. If you are going to take a swing and this guy, be sure you are going to hit him.  Otherwise he will put anything outside a heavy out of commission real quick.  The true terror with Acosta though is swift vengeance.  This means if you kill any of his faction buddies around him, he is going to come from downtown and cause major havoc.  At the gamestore we were talking about things like putting quicken on Acosta makes him a real distance threat.  Quicken boosts his speed to 9″ so he could Swift Vengeance for 9″ charge for 12″ and that doesn’t include things like push, dodge, or other movement shenanigans.

He has great synergies with Ashylnn, Damiano, and Mcbain.  But, he comes with a bucket of pain so he could be a great addition to any list regardless if you are going to buff him.



Getting the Most Out of Acosta?

  • Keep Him Safe!

Try to keep him protected but leave a path.  Acosta has already impressive defensive stats but a boosted shot or spell can still finish him off.  In Warma/Hordes life is cheap and any model can be scalped out by a gun or arced spell.  If you have access to clouds, shield guards, spell vortex’s always consider keeping Acosta in these before he goes downtown to deliver a crippling blow.

  • Leave the Path Open

Swift Vengeance is an amazing ability.  But, don’t make a mistake of blocking him in.  Nothing is worse when your 5″ move before the turn is blocked in by your own guys.  Try to keep a gap in front of Acosta enough for his base to slip through so he can utilize maximum threat.


Acosta is a weapon master but he is not going to drop a heavy without some help. Things like Lady Aiyana’s +2 damage or Damiano’s feat will help him scrap that heavy.  Ashylnn has Quicken making his defense a little more astonishing and his speed legendary.


How Do We Kill this Guy?

Acosta can’t be hurt by electricity so that is out the window.  When going for Acosta use things like knockdowns or highly accurate shots to ensure he is hit.  You don’t want him dodge/riposte his way to safety.  A boosted spell is your best bet if you can get to him.  If he is McBain feated use grievous wounds attacks.

What do you think BoLS?  Have you faced the mighty Acosta?  What do you use to handle this dirty solo?  Any Acosta stories to share, please do so in the comments below?

Author: Revenant
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