Wyrd: Brutal Emisarry Preview

Wyrd Games is back and continues its Emissary series with the New Brutal Emissary – Come check out the latest for Malifaux!
The Emissary figures thus far have been pretty great. The new Brutal Emissary is no exception.
via Wryd Games
This week’s Monday Preview is a look at the Guild’s Emissary of Fate: the Brutal Emissary. This towering Emissary brings the Guild’s brand of justice to your enemies, being able to deal great damage or bury your foes. Like all Emissaries, the Brutal Emissary comes with an Upgrade specially tailored to each Master that can hire it, as well as one generic Upgrade.
Come on over to our forum to discuss this render!
I’m really liking the detail of the model overall. The cloak is flowing and the ram head looks really good. I even like the chain around his waist and casket. The Brutal Emissary’s jail cell even has some nice texture to it. If I’m honest the only thing I think is a bit of a let down is the sword. Keep in mind this is a preview so it might now be finished yet. I’m willing to bet that they aren’t quite done with the sculpture – it’s not like Wyrd to have such a characterful model with such a bland sword.
What do you think? What’s your take on the Brutal Emissary?!