X-Wing Tactica: Dengar Turns Left

Welcome pilots! It’s time to do some theorycrafting with one of the more interesting X-wing Miniatures ships, the Jumpmaster 5000.
Hello stalwart readers! With the impending release of Wave 8 on the (hopefully not-so-distant) horizon, it was time to examine the new ship. This article won’t necessarily review all the upgrade cards that come with the Jumpmaster release, but we may consider those cards that best suit the ship.
The Jumpmaster 5000
So what are the Jumpmaster’s strengths? For one thing, look at the dial:
It’s the first asymmetrical dial in the game of X-Wing. Wonderful at turning left, not so much (but honestly, not that terrible) at turning right. It’s got a marvelous white 2-speed Segnor’s loop, and a whole bunch of green maneuvers. This thing is going to take some getting used to when it comes to flying it on the table, but honestly, its unusual dial is one of its core strengths. It can go fast, it can go slow, and it can turn left really, really well, but is not necessarily as predictable as we’d initially feared.
Let’s look at its stats. Two attack, two agility, five hull, four shields. Not terrible, but not awe-inspiring. However, things really get kicked up a notch when you throw in the Punishing One title.
I won’t lie, twelve points is a steep price to pay for bringing your primary weapon value to three, but brings it into line with other, similarly turreted large ships notably the Rebels’ YT-1300 and the Imperials’ Decimator. I’d say the title is especially worth the cost when flying Dengar, but perhaps not for the Contracted Scout generic pilot.
Now, this is the first large ship with a salvaged astromech slot. That’s pretty gosh-darn incredible if you think about it. Equip an Unhinged Astromech for an absurd amount of green maneuvers, or the new R5-P8 for some rude, unavoidable damage dealing.
The Pilots
Let’s review at the Named Pilots. Straight off, Dengar is fantastic. I can really see his pilot ability coming into play thanks to his Pilot Skill 9 coupled with his ability to barrel roll and/or boost with an Engine Upgrade and maybe Push the Limit. Alternatively the Veteran Instincts EPT brings that PS up to 11, so you can almost ensure you’re moving after everyone else, allowing you to get that nasty Poe Dameron or that Soontir Fel into your primary arc and return fire. Jousting at its finest!
Now, Tel Trevura is a personal favorite of mine with this release. His pilot ability feels particularly “scummy,” if you will. Pair this ability with a Hull Upgrade and the first time your Jumpmaster is destroyed each game you’re bringing it back alive and kicking with two hull left. Throw Gonk on there and you have a shield regenerating ship that can—theoretically—restore its hull/shields total to more than half its starting value fairly easily, denying your opponent a chunk of points at the end of the game and improving your margin of victory score. Lone Wolf, Determination, or Elusiveness are all fairly cheap, defensive EPT’s that pair well with this pilot. As well, R4-B11 and Salvaged Astromech are a great defense oriented astromechs that stacks well with Tel Trevura’s innate toughness.
Next we come to Manaroo. This pilot is one that I think we’ll have to see in action before we render any judgment as to her effectiveness. Suffice to say, aside from handing out focus tokens, etc. you can assign enemy target locks on Manaroo to your other ships, denying those terrifying ordinance shots we’ve grown to fear. Throw Recon Specialist on there for additional focus tokens to give away and you’re flying a robust utility/support ship, particularly if flown along side a Z-95 swarm or some such.
Finally, there’s the Contracted Scout, and this is where things get really bonkers. You can fit four of these ships into a single list if you really wanted to, and with the new Guidance Chips upgrade these puppies become the torpedo boats we’ve always wanted. They have an EPT slot too! Pair Guidance Chips with the Deadeye ability, the R4 Agromech, the torpedo of your choice, and even Extra Munitions and now you’re shooting hyper accurate torpedoes willy-nilly. Finally, torpedoes seem worth the cost! Here’s a list I really, really want to fly:
Contracted Scout:
Proton torpedoes, Extra Munitions, R4 Agromech, Deadeye, Guidance Chips
34 pts
Contracted Scout:
Plasma torpedoes, Extra Munitions, R4 Agromech, Deadeye, Guidance Chips
33 pts
Contracted Scout:
Plasma torpedoes, Extra Munitions, R4 Agromech, Deadeye, Guidance Chips
33 pts
100 points Total
Wow, that’s some torpedo-loving craziness! Well I for one look forward to the release of the Punishing One and seeing some Jumpmaster shenanigans soon enough! What are some builds you’re considering? Remember aces, fly casual and always use your left turn signal.
Jonathan is a sci-fi author and a X-Wing Miniatures and Star Wars: Armada fanatic. You can visit his website and check out his recent novel and other writings at: https://thelislesdale.wordpress.com/