40K: Top Ten Rules Conundrums That Need An FAQ!

Games Workshop wanted our questions? Well, we’ve had a running list – here are our picks for the top 10!
We’re not strangers to 40K Rules Conundrums. Here is our list of questions we’d like some answers to, but before we get started…
These Questions are Rated: Do Not Try This On The Tabletop
We are not responsible for any use and/or abuse of these rules questions and do NOT advocate in using them. They are gathered here for education purposes only.
Here they are in no particular order:
10 – Genestealer Cult Bonus Attacks – This one has to do with the Rending Claws “designers notes” in the Tyranid Codex and the Weapon Profile listed for the Genestealer Cult. We made a ruling on it – but it’s no better than a house rule. So an “Official” FAQ would be great!
9 – The Case of the 500 Point Rhino – According to the “Overwhelming Firepower” rule “All weapon and wargear options taken by Ironwolves vehicles are free.” – So is there an upper limit? Because if not there are some pretty great Legacies of Glory out there.
8 – Chaos Daemons Breaking Scoring Objectives – “Daemonic Corruption” is one heck of a Command Benefit – but it does raise some questions about when you count as controlling objectives…
7 – Genestealer Cult Allies Puzzle – We thought this one was solved. Apparently it’s still up for debate. A few sentences from Games Workshop could fix this one in a snap!
6 – The Tau Coordinated Firepower Question – This one was so big that we had two different takes on it! I’m really hoping this one gets sorted out for the sake of the Tau. They really need all the help they can get these days…
5 – The Sky Hammer Annihilation Formation Problem – This formation already allows you to Deepstrike and Assault in the same turn. But does it allow you to attach a character to the formation and still Assault?
4 – Adeptus Mechanicus and the Radium Jezzails – Weapons that cause 2 wounds when you roll a “6” on the to-wound roll? Check. Weapons that are also Snipers and therefore have Rending? Check. Is that 1 AP 2 wound or 2 AP 2 wounds? That’s the question!
3 – Blood for the Blood God! Special Rule and the problem with commas – I know Khorne doesn’t care where the Skulls & Blood come from but could he at least work on his grammar? That comma is really causing some reading issues.
2 – Can Daemons Get a +4 to Seize? – Turns out stacking Warlord Traits can cause some unforeseen rules questions just like this one. I guess those Tzeentch Warlords are REALLY itching to go first!
1 – Librarius Conclave & the “End of the Phase” – I know this list isn’t in any particular order but I think this Conundrum really sums up FAQs in general. Why? Because it has to do with Librarians. Real world Librarians manage books and knowledge – they also are synonymous with being able to read. I really think the vast majority of these rules question could have been solved with a fresh set of eyes re-reading the rule before it went into print. And probably a technical editor. But I digress… This conundrum really has to do with the clarity of the phrase “End of the Phase” (shockingly enough) and how that interacts with the other Librarians in the Conclave.
This list only represents a handful of questions that we have posed to our readers in the past. Are there other questions that need answers? YES! Games Workshop has opened up that can’o’worms so go ask them!
At least they are trying…What critiical questions do you think Games Workshop MOST needs to answer?