Battlefleet Gothic Armada Developer Preview!

Battlefleet Gothic Fans: this is the game you have been waiting for – Come see the latest Gameplay from Battlefleet Gothic Armada!
None other than Angry Joe got a chance to sit down with the Battlefleet Game Developers Tindalos Interactive and put the game through it’s paces! This game looks great and you’re going to want to take a look at the video for sure:
via AngryJoeShow, Youtube
AngryJoe gets an Exclusive Look at Battlefleet Gothic Armada, a space strategy RTS that recreates one of his favorite childhood tabletop miniature war games! Seriously consider buying this one guys, these guys deserve the support & are seriously passionate about this license – their dream game and mine!
And for those of you who may not be able to watch the video here are some screenshots (which you can click to enlarge). Please keep in mind all of these are Work in Progress shots and may not be final images.
A quick look at the starmap/Gothic Sector
Ship Customization
There are quite a few Ships to Customize
Would you like to play a custom match? YES PLEASE!
Is that a Chaos Ship? Does that look infected…with Nurgle!?
There’s tons more info in the video and AngryJoe does a great job asking the Devs questions. He’s also pretty knowledgeable about 40k in general so it’s nice to have someone who knows the source material take a look at this game. Thanks AngryJoe!
These pictures are pretty but watching them in motion is a thing of beauty. Battlefleet Gothic Armada can’t get here soon enough!