GW: Deathwatch Overkill “Datasheets” Online for FREE!

Games Workshop has all the Deathwatch Overkill Datasheets online for FREE – Go get them while they’re hot!
In a move reminiscent of Age of Sigmar, Games Workshop has released all the Datasheets needed to play the units from Deathwatch Overkill in regular Warhammer 40,000 for free in PDF format! Now you too can take a look at all the rules and chime in on those rules conundrums like Allies and Attacks!
Deathwatch Overkill Datasheets PDF
For a look at ALL the Datasheets go get them direct from Games Workshop. And in the interest of helping smooth over some of those internet feathers that have been ruffled this is hows the BoLS crew will be playing those two rules debates:
Allies – Genestealer Cult will be used as Battle Brothers with Tyranids and will ally the same way as Tyranids do for all other Factions. See the reason in the previous article. (In summary – don’t be a jerk.)
Attacks – Genestealer Cult units equipped with Rending Claws will receive the bonus attack for having two weapons (pg 49 BRB). The Rending Claws listed on the Datasheets have no references to any other rules and do not have any special rules listed with them to indicate otherwise.
Exceptions include models equipped with Specialist weapons (as you need two specialist weapons to gain a bonus for using them – pg 172 BRB) and/or Two-Handed weapons (pg 174 BRB) as those special rules are part of the weapon profile and supersede the two weapon rule on page 49 of the BRB.
This is just another case of Games Workshop having two pieces of equipment named the same but having slightly different rules – for a precedent see Space Marine Drop Pods vs Chapter Specific Drop Pods circa 5th & 6th Edition.
That is just how WE are playing it. Even if you don’t agree with our “rulings” that is just how we are playing it in our neck of the woods. We don’t control how others will interpret the rules so check with your TO if it a tournament and be sure you and your opponent agree BEFORE dice start getting rolled. In summary – don’t be a jerk. Court is adjourned!
Now – Go get those FREE PDF’s from Games Workshop!