RUMORS: Orcs Coming Next to Age of Sigmar

One old reliable rumormonger is on the case – and it’s lining up with everything else we’ve been hearing about the greenskins:
via Darnok 3-28-2016
Some kind of late Easter Egg here…
According to one of my sources, the former Orcs & Goblins will get their “AoS-ification” at the end of April. The first release is set for 30th of April, with advance orders up on the 23. In no particular order, there will be: a monster kit, a new unit of cavalry, a new unit of infantry, plus some clampack characters. Apart from the characters (no details here) the other new kits are about Ironjaws (former Black Orcs).
We’ve been hearing for months of the last unseen faction “Destruction” coming up on the heels of the Stormcast & Khorne updates. There has been talk of multiple kits including some type of large mounted monster (a wyvern).
If the dates line up that gives us something like this:
April 2nd –
Unknown Pre-orders
KhorneMinis / Order Battletome ships
April 9th –
Unknown Pre-orders
Unknown ships
April 16th –
Unknown Pre-orders
Unknown ships
April 23rd –
Destruction Minis (monster, cav, infantry, characters) Pre-orders
Unknown ships
April 30th –
Unknown Pre-orders
Destruction Minis ship (monster, cav, infantry, characters)
Completing the Puzzle
Now that seems like a LOT to release in a single week, and there will be a Destruction Battletome in there as well. Under the current Darnok rumors, we are left with 3 weeks between now and then of mystery releases. Another solution is that the Destruction releases will be spread out over several of those missing weeks, as we have seen with all the recent Age of Sigmar releases such as the Fyreslayers, Everchosen, Stormcast Eternals and the others.
Earlier rumors over the last month indicated a Destruction rampup shortly after the Sigmar/Khorne releases.
via mikhael on 2-28-2016
AdvertisementIt’s a Orcs / Orruk only release.
The Orruk / Destruction release will Start in late March and last into April.
Orruks are a three weeks release
Before this we will see some repacks for the AoS Chaos fraction.
Then of course we have the White Dwarf teaser for next week (April 2nd):
“The Realmgate Wars Continue in Beastly Fashion”
That sounds a lot like the ramp up for Destruction to me.
Full Destruction Rumor Roundup