Geekery: The Final X-Men: Apocalypse Trailer is Here

More of that epic Cairo battle and an expanded look at the cast… check it!
It’s been a month since we’ve heard anything from Bryan Singer and pals. The newest trailer goes big…
Oh, hi, Logan… how ya doing? That was totally expected…. but, hey, it’s not an X-Men movie without him.
The trailer gives us a better understanding of where everyone stands – Charles trying to convince Erik to stay on the side of humanity; and Raven at odds with Charles over the state of mutant/human relations. We get a longer look at En Sabah Nur taking on a new body, and a taste of him at peak bad guy commanding his underlings to destroy humanity. And the X-Men’s initial formation – showing some mutant pride in the process – to battle Apocalypse in Charle’s absence.
I’m happy – I’ve have been since the first trailer.
X-Men: Apocalypse will be in theaters May 27th
… I’m off to listen to Short Bus a few times.