40K: MUST SEE: Space Marine New Units, Formations & Rules

The Angels of Death Space Marine expansion is adding so much to your marine army you need to see it to believe it!
Ok, let’s take the new book in stages and cover what has been released so far:
The Basics
Table of contents
The Chapters who get the Special Treatment. Basically this book gives the “codex-light” treatment to all the first founding chapters who didn’t currently have a standalone codex. You Salamanders players have been waiting for this day for decades!
New Formations and Chapters
First up we get a Space Marine “armoured company” list. If you love your tanks and planes – this is the formation for you.
Speaking of Salamanders and Iron Hands…
The Librarius
Next we move onto the all new rules for the Space Marine psychic disciplines and how to add them to your existing codices:
New Units
Last but not least GW wraps the sneak peek up with rules and armylist construction rules for the plastic heresy units that arrived with Betrayal at Calth. Look for Contemptors and Cataphractii terminators to hit the 40K tabletop in numbers starting next week!
~What are you most excited about in the new book? There is SO MUCH!