40K RUMORS: Of Major Daemons, Blood Bowl & Dreadfleet

One of the best rumormongers out there chimes in with even more on the plastic Major Daemons, and some rumor history to set the record straight.
A few weeks back Hastings chimed in with this:
via 75hastings69
GD’s are all finished and have been for some time, however I do not know if the LoC and other unreleased ones will get AoS’d before release (i.e. have slight alterations), FYI the Big Nurgle thing from End Times was originally going to be a GUO.
I know there is some kind of “monster” coming out for Aelves, but as for the Aelves themselves? I’m not sure if the aesthetic has changed at all, in fact I’m almost certain someone told me they were just repacks (along the lines of the Lizardmen) but with some new kits too.
Today we get a lot more from the granddaddy of the rumorsphere on what’s up with the GDs:
via 75hastings69
I was reliably informed some time ago that CAD files for all of the plastic GD were finished. One of these has been released in the form of the BT, another then became the Glottkin (I was told this was originally going to be a GUO). So whilst the models for the remaining two have not yet been released or possibly even been cast, the CAD files for them are done, and have been for some time.
There are lots of things that do not get either released or even make it to the casting stage. For example there was a CAD file for a Orc “Chariot” of sorts, that saw one of the new style boars, pulling what was described as a large wooden wheelbarrow behind it, this was filled with loads of goblins with bows pointing in all directions, the same file also had extra wooden bits and some snotlings, where it was to be built with the wheelbarrow in front of the boar with the extra bits, forming what I can only assume would be an updated “pump wagon” of sorts. This file was never seen again, and I am not even aware of prototypes of it being made. But I was told by more than one of my reliable sources that the GDs were all done, in fact this was quite a long time ago, as IIRC I also reported that there were to be some RESIN (I guess finecrap) packs for the kits that would make them more specific named GDs.…BTW I was told the bird head of the new Archaon mount was “very similar” to the LOC head, so take from that what you will. It’s difficult to say really because back when I was in the loop I was hearing about (and in some cases seeing) stuff about 2 years before release. Some eagle eyed viewers even spotted the high elf lord plastic kit assembled and in the background of my painting desk in one of my project logs about 8 months before it was released. It’s the same as blood bowl, those rumours by myself and Harry were based in fact, BB update was coming, it got underway and then got canned (IIRC due to very very poor sales of dreadfleet), then it restarted, then it was canned again, now it’s back. That has always been the problem with reporting rumours so far in advance (i.e. more than 1 year). When you get inside the 1 year mark the releases are largely set in stone, in fact I am only aware of 1 time a release did not happen, and that was for the dwarf lord clampack when the mold genuinely was damaged).
Some stuff I reported ages ago may see the light of day eventually, such as the plastic WE spellsinger, but it may not be in the form I originally reported it in.
Advertisement…The plan is and always has been AFAIK 2 years, I’ve never read anywhere about a solid four year plan for releases. Me & Harry reported back mutterings of BB, each time it restarted, with rumours though you are never totally on the pulse, for example I did not hear it had been canned the first time around until rumour came of the project being restarted. The releases aren’t that flexible certainly inside of 2 years. What did surprise me was that Dreadfleets sales (or lack of) were taken as some sort of “stand alone games aren’t selling” when BB is an entirely different beast with a huge following already! Dreadfleet actually only started out life as a pet project for one of the studio staff, it was not originally planned to be a item available for sale.
Note that Sad Panda, another accurate rumormonger has been swearing up and down that the Major Daemons are not done as far as he knows, so we have two very reliable sources on the opposite sides of this one…
~Have at it.