AoS: Grand Alliance Destruction – Exact Contents

One lucky gamer got the inside info on the new Grand Alliance: Destruction book – come see the latest on the Forces of Destruction!
If you’re like me, then you probably wondered what the difference is between the Battletome: Ironjawz book and the Grand Alliance: Destruction book. Well now we have a pretty good idea:
via barcode
Grand Alliance: Destruction Table of Contents
This book has all the of Ironjawz warscrolls but lacks all the Warscroll Battalions (aka formations) for the Ironjawz. This book does cover the rest of the Destruction line-up. So if you have old school Orcs, Savage Orcs, Goblins (Night Goblins, too), Giants, Trolls, or Ogres then this book is definitely for you. If you’re wanting to start a new army with a heavy focus on the new models then you’re going to want to go with Battletome: Ironjawz. I’m willing to bet this book is lighter on the fluff for the Ironjawz compared to the Battletome as well.
It does seem liked a missed opportunity to throw in some Warscroll Battalions for the non-Ironjawz units. It would have been nice to see Ogres (aka Gutbusters) or “Moonclan” Grots get some love.
Grand Alliance: Destruction $16.50
The followers of the Great Green God, Gorkamorka, spill onto the Mortal Realms in a motley patchwork of clans, mobs and thuggish gangs all intent on absolute destruction. Drunken Aleguzzler gargants stagger into the fray, malodorous troggoths and grots swarm over unfortunate foes, enormous greenskinz and Ironjawz kick in the teef of anyone nearby (up to and including each other, more often than not…) This Grand Alliance is a riotous, joyous blur of shouting and violence from which not even the landscape is safe!
This 104-page book is the indispensable guide to the armies and factions of Destruction at the dawn of the Age of Sigmar. A must-own for all collectors and players of this Grand Alliance, and indeed anyone collecting and playing Warhammer Age of Sigmar, it takes you through the forces of Destruction with Warscrolls for every miniature, extensive information on the twelve factions, and sample armies to help you mix and match your collection into a fearsome fighting force – or provide inspiration for your next steps into the world of Warhammer Age of Sigmar.
Grand Alliance Destruction hits shelves this weekend! Go forth and DESTROY!