FW: The Iron Circle Approaches

The Forge World Studio shows off some new sculpts for the Iron Warriors – Come see the latest info!
via Forge World
The Forge World Studio have not been shy about releasing deadly robots and mechanical constructs onto the battlefields of The Horus Heresy, from waist high servo-automata to colossal Titans. I just caught sight of the latest addition to their ranks, this one programmed to defend the Lord of Iron himself!
Here we have two things – the first is that yes that is Perturabo in the background. He’s probably here to give you a sense of scale.
The second thing is that we have a new shot of the Iron Circle which we saw a the Horus Heresy Weekender. They are some very cool models and I can’t wait to see what all comes in the unit.
via Imperial Truth, Facebook 2-6-2016
Anytime Forge World starts showing off pics of upcoming units you can count on them being released in the next few weeks. Keep an eye out for more from Forge World…
These Robots march for WAR – The Iron Circle cannot be broken…