Geekery: Spoilerific Game of Thrones Premier Post

Game of Thrones returns and I’m totally gonna talk about it…
To start: Olly’s blow continues to be fatal and Jon Snow continues to be dead, despite all of the chatter on the rumor mill and hope created by the trailers. But we’re only in episode one… and it seems Davos and Melisandre are seeing things they aren’t sharing with the rest of us.
This was a very busy episode. On to the gazillion subplots and scene cuts!
Dany, now a prisoner of the Dothraki, has a bit of a “I could really use a dragon around now” problem… among other things. Khal Moro has decided to let her live as long as she finishes her days in the widow’s temple in Vaes Dothrak. Better than beheading… I guess..
Cersei gets good news of a visit that turns out to be not so good… Jaime arrives with the body of their daughter Myrcella. The second of their children is now dead, the witch’s prophecy proven good: “The witch told me I’d have three children and they’d all die. Everything she said came true, you couldn’t have stopped it.”
Arya is trying out being a blind beggar in Braavos. The Waif isn’t getting any nicer as time goes on… but if you’re going to be No One, you need to be able to fight blind.
[insert joke about eating babies here]
And the big reveal: just how old is Melisandre… and what has she seen? Watching this story unfold is going to be the most interesting part of this season. The Red Priestess has been one of the most reliable providers of nudity and sexuality on the show. What a twist the producers and the actress have given us with her turning out to be ancient scheming crone.
Episode Notable People Bodycount: 2