GW AoS: New Orruks Pics & Rumors

We have Maw-Krusha Sign and a whole lot more – Come see the New Age of Sigmar Orruks pics & the latest from a reliable rumormonger!
Looks like this week’s White Dwarf may have showed up a little early for someone and they had a camera ready!
pics via reds8n, dakkadakka 4-18-2016
That Maw-Krusha is crazy looking! I can’t wait to see it in person. The “Shaman” with the staff and cloak reminds me of Mum-Ra from Thundercats…As for the rest of the Orruks their armor is jagged and bulky. It makes me think that most of their armor is scavenged from other sources and it’s just bolted together. Very Orky.
Now for the rumors:
Archibald_TK is back with more info about price points and kits for the new Orruks.
via Archibald_TK, Warseer 4-18-2016
DISCLAIMER: Before we go you must understand that these models are large, really large. And I mean that they appear to dwarf any other orc models. The Maw Krusha is more massive than the Magmadroth (if I remember the name right), Megaboss is huge… in parallel, this is a very very costly release, even by AoS standard. So don’t be surprised by what follows. Also since there are so many references sorry but I will just give you the Euro/UK/US prices and I’ll complete at a later time. Also I’m going fast so don’t blame me if there are mistakes please.
Subscribe to our newsletter!Get Tabletop, RPG & Pop Culture news delivered directly to your inbox.By subscribing you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.EDIT- I’ll amend my post with the following: I shall add that when I said they appear to dwarf other orcs models I don’t mean they are Ogre sized, but that they will stand a head above regular Orcs, far more for the Megaboss. Keep in mind GW really don’t make it easy to gauge precisely the size difference between models in their pics.
– Maw-Krusha (1 model) 90€ / £65 / $110
Comes with either a Megaboss or Gordrakk the Fist of Gork on top. Apparently the Krusha itself has two heads options. Few aesthetic differences overall.– Gore-Gruntas (3 models) 67€ / £48 / $79
Huge Boar riders. They are… different? You have to see them for yourselves but I fear they will not be that well received. It appears that those are not 3 different models, but two, one of them being repeated twice. No weapons options and they really all look similar.Advertisement– Brutes (5 models) 42€ / £30 / $50
Heavier than Black Orcs, can be built with either two weapons or a two handed one.– Megaboss 34€ / £24 / $40
– Weirdnob Shaman 28€ / £20 / $33
– Warchanter 26€ / £18.5 / $30
– Ardboys (15 models) 45€ / £32 / $53
Repackaged Black Orcs with round bases.– Battletome Ironjawz (128p) 28€ / £20 / $33
14 Warscrolls and Battalions– Grand Alliance Destruction (112p) 14€ / £10 / $16.5
12 factions, 61 Warscrolls, minus at least 7 for the Ironjaws that’s 54 remaining for the old range, place your bets.Advertisement
Well now we have some names to go with those faces and prices to go with those models.
To join the Discussion check out the BoLS Lounge Thread below:
Orruks Round-Up Thread
The Orruks are coming… Have at it folks!