Marvel HeroClix: Here Comes Sabretooth & Wild Child!

WizKids points you to a glimpse of the latest version of Sabretooth and Wild Child from the upcoming Uncanny X-Men expansion.
Today we take a look at the Age of Apocalypse version of Sabretooth and his feral companion Wild Child coming to HeroClix in the upcoming Marvel HeroClix: Uncanny X-Men series. Take a look.
Here’s the basics on Sabretooth and Wild Child 063:
“Coming in at 130 points and an impressive 8 click long dial Sabretooth and Wild Child are clearly meant to be a significant focus of your force’s offensive abilities. With movement power options on every click, either Charge or Sidestep, a high attack value that starts at 12 and never drops below 10, and powers that make the damage stick like Blades/Claws/Fangs, Battle Fury (for ignoring opposing Shape Change), and Exploit Weakness these two can scratch and claw their way through almost any opponent. The Indomitable ability will help them ignore pushing damage to get the most out of their dial. Toughness will keep them resistant to Poison and smaller attacks while Combat Reflexes make them hard to hit once they’re in the thick of the fight. Don’t forget those last two clicks of Regeneration to slink back from the fight and lick their wounds.
Advertisement…Sabretooth and Wild Child have a pair of traits that enhance their savage deadliness. Leashed or Unleashed? tells you what you can do with the removable Wild Child figure; Wild Child begins the game attached to the dial base and while attached gives them Flurry! If you haven’t used Flurry yet in a turn you can give them a free action to remove Wild Child and place him adjacent. Also, at the start of your turn, if Wild Child is within 3 squares of Sabretooth, you can reattach him to the base for free. Wild Child himself is one scrappy kid with the classic combination of Charge, Blades/Claws/Fangs, Combat Reflexes, and Exploit Weakness. “
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The Marvel Heroclix:Uncanny X-men is estimated to for release in May 2016
Have at it HEROCLIX fans – What do you think of the pair?