Orruks, Arya, Eldar, & a Weekend Mystery from GW…

A bunch of stuff has been going on this weekend. come catch up before you head into your gaming week.
GW: New Releases 4-23-2016 “Pricing & Links”
First up, is the HUGE weekly product releases from GW. Come see all the forces of Destruction!
Behold the Glory of the Orruks – and a Question
Now take a look at the 360s and ask yourself a question – what is GW up to with this week’s release timing?
Geekery: That Time Arya Stark Worked at an FLGS
With all the Game of Thrones madness going on, dont you wish Arya Stark was working in YOUR FLGS?
FW: Horus Heresy Goes Digital
It’s been a long time coming, but Forge World and the Horus Heresy is finally going digital. Don’t miss this one.
Eternal Crusade: Into the Warp #61 – More Eldar
Eldar Aspect Warriors are coming to Eternal Crusade in a big way. Come see the latest!
AoS: Orruk Warscrolls Spotted
Last but not least, take a look at the new Orruk Unit’s Warscrolls!
Happy Monday!