Star Wars ARMADA: FFG Adds Multiplayer Mission

FFG just opened up Star Wars ARMADA with a whole new way to play. Grab the free mission Admiral!
First up, grab the new multiplayer mission here:
Take the Station (PDF)
Here’s some notes from the FFG Designers:
“One thing we realized early on was that the alternating ship activation of Armada could, with some minor tweaks, work really well in a game with three or four players. Generally, one of the big problems with a multiplayer game is the downtime as you wait for three other players to finish their turns so that you can go again. However, with each player activating one ship at a time, downtime is substantially reduced. With that in mind, we decided that our first multiplayer scenario would be multiple players competing against each other, not two teams of players working together.
“As we looked deeper into the idea of creating a multiplayer scenario, a few substantial changes stood out.
- First, rotating initiative becomes a must, so that the same player isn’t stuck going fourth every round.
- The scenario is also very different than the usual objectives. We had to design something that would play outside of the normal two player dynamic, so we came up with a scenario where each player had the same goal, but the sooner you accomplished the goal, the greater the reward would be.
- Finally, we decreased the size of each player’s fleet. We wanted to make sure that the playing time for this game wouldn’t balloon substantially, and we also wanted to make sure that all four players had enough room on the game board to maneuver their ships.
~Report to the bridge!