Total War: Warhammer – Kholek Suneater Let’s Play!

Dragon Ogres attack the Dwarfs in this Total War: Warhammer Let’s Play Video!
I have always loved a good Dragon Ogre Conversion or Army. Unfortunately I rarely saw them in action – but now I’ll always have the digital versions to mess with:
Check out this brand new Let’s Play, featuring the mighty (& massive) Kholek Suneater facing off against Ungrim Ironfist.
It’s a mismatch in size – will it be a mismatch in strength? Or will the Dwarfs be able to call upon their awesome weaponry effectively and quickly enough to take down the lumbering beast?
Only one thing’s for sure: it’s going to be Chaos.
Here are some Screen Shots of the action:
Dragon Ogre Shaggoth
Kholek Suneater
Rally the Troops!
Dwarf Tossing – Kholek Style
Chosen with Great Weapons
Chaos Marches to War!
Between this and BFG Armada – I’m all out of spare time these days…
Oh and in case you didn’t know Total War: Warhammer changed it’s decision to lock Chaos behind the Pre-order DLC bonus. Now it’s FREE for anyone who pre-orders OR buys the game for ONE WEEK after release! So yes, if you pre-ordered it you’re still getting Chaos. If you want until the game launches you’ll have one full week until the Chaos Warrior’s Race Pack is no longer free. Think of it as an early bird special and I think it’s a GREAT compromise!
Total War: Warhammer – in stores May 24th!