AoS: Realm of Battle Shattered Dominion Pics

At last we have clear pics and details on the Age of Sigmar Shattered Dominion board. Dress up your game and take a look:
images via Beardy Hammer 5-7-2016
Here it is:
The details are:
Realm of Battle: Shattered Dominion
Arcanabulum Tile x1:
Huge arrangement of cogs and gears, the workings of some ancient, arcane machine. Inlaid with arcane symbols and morbid iconography, it’s still got plenty of space to stand models on and around it.
Broken Plains Tile x2:
Featuring cracks and rents in the earth. Through the gaps you can glimpse signs of ancient ruins and more Arcanabulum-like gears – signs of a lost civilisation now buried by war.
Fell Chasm Tile x1:
Features a huge tear in the earth, the ground cracking and breaking around it. A piece of masonry carved withe he Hammer of Sigmar has fallen across the chasm, enabling units to fight across it.
Desolate Ruins Tiles x2:
Sculpted with imagery of the Mortal Realms, they make ideal flooring for Warhammer Age of Sigmar buildings such as the Ophidian Archway and the Numinous Occulum.
~It it’s in the latest visions issue, it should be along any week now., probably at the same price as the current Realm of Battle boards.